Friday, March 29, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird

  I have never thought that this story about a little girl’s childhood can reflect so many naked, cruel reality of human nature.   Written from an innocent perspective of girl, this story reflects the ugliness of human, injustice in society, and racism.


 When Tom Robinson is falsely accused of raping, Atticus, who is Scout and Jem’s father, helps to defend him. Most people in the town believe that accusation is true just because Tom is black, they despise Atticus for defending him and call him names. To me, Atticus is a new hero. He never steps back when encounters people’s harsh remarks; he doesn’t bat an eye when he is spit on his face; he is the same in the courtroom as he is on the public street; he stands straight and keeps calm in any circumstances.

Have I ever been furious when someone mocks me? Of course! Most of the people have. But Atticus is one of the few gentlemen who are just and calm anytime in anywhere. “Just hold your head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says to you, don’t let them get your goat.” This is a prominent quote that stood out to me.  Atticus’s attitude is a good counsel to those who are easily irritated like me.  When we are doing something righteous, people around us may tease and mock our action, just like the townspeople call Atticus name in a really disrespectful way because he defends Tom.

“You never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around them.”

Scout recalls Atticus’s counsel to her when she is standing at Boo Radley’s porch. We may have heard of this saying for a lot of times, but do we ever apply that to our lives? Boo, who has never stepped out from his house for more than 20 years, is being isolated and prejudiced by the society because of the rumors about him. After Scout walks Boo home, she realizes that Boo is actually really warm hearted and friendly. 

When we see someone who is being bullied, have we ever stood up for he/she, or just follow what the others do? You’re lucky if you have never been bullied before, what those victims? They may not have wronged you or even talked to you, but your conscience is blinded by the majority. Try to follow Atticus’s counsel and apply it, you will find an unspeakable joy in your heart.


  1. You brought up some important points; that of the steady and reliable character of Atticus and the importance of following his counsel-to try to understand others.

  2. I like your points c: I like how you relate it to life in its self. To stick up for what we believe is right and help others even if its hard. I also like your visuals c: Atticus is boss.
