Thursday, March 14, 2013

Living in Beijing’s polluted air


I had lived in Hong Kong for all my life before I came to Utah where air quality is extremely good compared to Hong Kong. I used to cough and sneeze every morning because of the air pollution. Cars are everywhere on the streets, the pavements are crowded with people, and the city is like a concrete jungle with tall buildings blocking all the ventilation. Those greenhouse gas and dusts are trapped and we are the victims who inhale all these hazardous air.


Now I can breathe without any concerns. Houses are more spread out and short, you seldom see a car passing outside your house. Clear blue sky and fresh air are my favorite things in Utah, I don’t sneeze or cough in the morning anymore!


I understand how it feels to be crammed in an air polluted cities, I think the government should impose more strict policy to restrict the emission of gas from factories and vehicles. On the other hand, we have the responsibilities to reduce the production of hazardous gas. For example, take public transportation instead of driving a car (applicable in cities like Hong Kong, not in Cedar Hills because there is almost none public transport), or ride a bike! If we all do our part, this world is going to be a nicer place.




Rhinos are getting scarce as people in Vietnam and Mozambique keep killing them in order to sell their horns. I am disapproved by their irrational and cold-blooded actions because they treat them as toys or products instead of animals. Whenever I hear news about the extinction of animals, I feel a stab of pain in my heart.


How could human be so harsh and heartless? Profits they can make from these precious lives cover their sympathy and conscience. I believe that CITES is taking effective action by warning and imposing these countries, this shows that the world cares! Sometimes I think the government in Vietnam and Mozambique turn blind eye to this matter because of corruption. I really hope that someday human and animals can live in harmony.




1 comment:

  1. Nice thoughts concerning air quality. I didn't know the air in Hong Kong was so bad compared to Utah. Usually in the winter, the air quality is usually worse than in the summer. However, I don't think the government should force people to go green if the people don't want to, so maybe if people just stepped into Hong Kong or other cities and sampled the air there, then they'll have an idea to switch to a more "green" car.
