Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Who am I? What was I born to do? What is stopping me?
In life, we play different roles. In my family, I am a daughter and a sister. At school, I am a foreign student. In my hometown Hong Kong, I am a citizen. At church, I am a young woman. But most importantly, I am a Mormon, and I am a child of God.  He is our father in heaven, He loves us so much that he gave me a body and excellent parents on Earth. He sent me here and expects me to learn and to discern right and wrong. Temptations are tasks of life; if we do not stand firm in our Holy places, we will fall from the right path.  Also, He wants me to learn wisdom and apply them in life. He wants us to experience sadness and happiness because everything has its opposition , and we have to exercise our free agency to choose eternal life or misery. These are the things that I was born to do.
Learning is a crucial part of our lives. The reason why I am eager to get into a good college is because whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection(D & C 130:18). Also, we need to learn wisdom in our youth! (Alma 37:35) If I don’t get as much education as possible, I will definitely feel regret when I become a mother and have no clue how to teach my children.  Sometimes I will get idle and don’t want to do any of my homework, I will get distracted by Facebook or Pinterest while I am supposed to complete my assignment. These distractions often stop and delay my working progress, I need to focus on my work and avoid all kinds of media during homework time.
Learning the gospel is another thing that we were born to do. The things that we learn in Seminary or Sunday school are good knowledge for us to prepare ourselves daily and to go on a mission. When I was in Hong Kong, I had to get up really early in the morning to attend Seminary. When winter came, it was so hard for me to get out from my warm and fluffy blankets. Sometimes Satan’s temptation stopped me from learning the gospel, he would tell me that it was alright to stay in my bed longer and skipped seminary for once or twice a week. His temptation stopped me from learning the gospel. Later on I realized the importance of being strong and persistent, I started going back to seminary every morning.
Don’t let temptation stop us from progressing. Stand firm and say no to temptations!

Visit to colleges!

  I had a magnificent experience on Tuesday in BYU because I had Math and Book of Mormon lessons with my shadow. She is a freshman and is planning to take Chemistry as her major. Actually I was expecting to shadow with an Art student or biology student as I am interested in taking Art or zoology as major in college. However, I still had a great time with her. I remember when I first went into the Math classroom, I was stunned by the size of the it and the amount of people. It was smaller than the classrooms at school and more than 30 people packed there.  Some of the buff guys couldn’t even fit into their seats ,so their legs were all over the aisles, which was pretty hilarious. I barely had any idea what the teacher was talking, but still I learned something new.  I was fascinated by the art museum in BYU Provo. I love visiting art galleries all over the places.  I admire the freedom that college students have, my shadow told me that once I got into college, you would feel as light as a feather because you were going to have an independent and unique experience with your classmates and roommates.

  Although I didn’t have a chance to shadow with students in UVU and U of U, I liked wandering the campus, especially U of U because its facilities are so advanced and creative. For example the library, we can write on the glass and the wall besides a white board, we can also grab something to eat while reading or studying in the self studied room. I had been to the campus with my brother a couple of times before as he used to study there. I lost my heart in U of U!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Seize every chance to share!

I believe most of you have Facebook or Twitter. Not only we can post our status and photos and “like” others’ photos, we can also share the gospel through these social networks. More and more teenagers are really good at using all kinds of electronic devices or software, young men and women can use these tools to share the gospel to their friends who are non-church members.

Sometimes even if we post a picture saying “I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints” or “I am a Mormon. I live it. I know it. I love it”, our friends around us may want to know more about the church when they see this picture. It will be a great opportunity to let the others know about the gospel.

Look before you leap!

“Now some of these tools—like any tool in an unpracticed or undisciplined hand—can be dangerous…Computer applications like iTunes can be used to download uplifting and stirring music or the worst kind of antisocial lyrics full of profanity”

I am sure most of us have their favorite singers and we always listen to their songs. Sometimes their songs may convey a good message, but some of them may have a swear word in the middle of the song. We often rationalize the words and think it is ok to listen to those songs. There’s no difference from listening songs with profanity and letting Satan in. Be sure that all the media influences in your life are uplifting, never lower our standards and let Satan invade our pure minds and heart.

“Satan is always quick to exploit the negative power of new inventions, to spoil and degrade, and to neutralize any effect for good. Make sure that the choices you make in the use of new media are choices that expand your mind, increase your opportunities, and feed your soul”

As we follow the standards from the strength of youth, we can make right choices and avoid being trapped in Satan’s hands. Satan is very clever yet cunning, he uses new inventions to confuse and rationalize us, he will conceal meanings and try to convince us to open the door in our heart an inch at a time, and contaminate our purest minds from grey to black. Use those new inventions wisely, think twice before we take action, and think of the consequences of our choices. Stay on the narrow path to eternity.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Perfect Day

When my alarm starts ringing, I would turn it off and go on sleeping. That’s how I would start my perfect day. After getting enough rest, I will take a nice shower and go hiking around the American Fork Canyon. I love walking and hiking especially in the morning as it is so refreshing to enjoy the beauty of nature and everything around us! Then I will go home and make myself a bowl of simple but perfect breakfast. I would make scrambled egg, a French toast with banana and syrup, and a glass of hot chocolate milk. I would sit beside the window and read my favorite book “Shopaholic and sister” while having my gorgeous breakfast.

Being with my friends is the most hilarious time of my life, we would probably spend my whole afternoon ice skating, and hanging out in City creek. We would share all our secrets, sorrow and happiness while we were having Oreo dream extreme cheesecake at Cheesecake factory and banana ice cream with graham cracker at Sub-zero. We would talk about our dreams and our goals for our careers and families. Besides, we would plan for trips to Germany and Russia where we had never been before. I would spend my entire evening with my family in a really nice and subtle Japanese restaurant. We would have buffet with a large variety of seafood, sushi and curry! Japanese curry is the most magnificent food that I would die for. We would chat and joke around especially my dad, he is really humorous and I love his jokes.

After having an unforgettable dinner, I would go home and take a bath. I would listen to songs that were sung by Celine Dion and Sarah Brightman while I was taking a bath as they were the best singers in this world. Eventually, I would go back to my nice warm bed and recharge my batteries after this long marvelous perfect day.  I woould pray and thank my Heavenly Father for giving me such a wonderful day and everything that He has given me.