Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Who am I? What was I born to do? What is stopping me?
In life, we play different roles. In my family, I am a daughter and a sister. At school, I am a foreign student. In my hometown Hong Kong, I am a citizen. At church, I am a young woman. But most importantly, I am a Mormon, and I am a child of God.  He is our father in heaven, He loves us so much that he gave me a body and excellent parents on Earth. He sent me here and expects me to learn and to discern right and wrong. Temptations are tasks of life; if we do not stand firm in our Holy places, we will fall from the right path.  Also, He wants me to learn wisdom and apply them in life. He wants us to experience sadness and happiness because everything has its opposition , and we have to exercise our free agency to choose eternal life or misery. These are the things that I was born to do.
Learning is a crucial part of our lives. The reason why I am eager to get into a good college is because whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection(D & C 130:18). Also, we need to learn wisdom in our youth! (Alma 37:35) If I don’t get as much education as possible, I will definitely feel regret when I become a mother and have no clue how to teach my children.  Sometimes I will get idle and don’t want to do any of my homework, I will get distracted by Facebook or Pinterest while I am supposed to complete my assignment. These distractions often stop and delay my working progress, I need to focus on my work and avoid all kinds of media during homework time.
Learning the gospel is another thing that we were born to do. The things that we learn in Seminary or Sunday school are good knowledge for us to prepare ourselves daily and to go on a mission. When I was in Hong Kong, I had to get up really early in the morning to attend Seminary. When winter came, it was so hard for me to get out from my warm and fluffy blankets. Sometimes Satan’s temptation stopped me from learning the gospel, he would tell me that it was alright to stay in my bed longer and skipped seminary for once or twice a week. His temptation stopped me from learning the gospel. Later on I realized the importance of being strong and persistent, I started going back to seminary every morning.
Don’t let temptation stop us from progressing. Stand firm and say no to temptations!


  1. WOW! Mercedes! I loved his post! I really enjoyed how you tied each part of who you are into where you are from or what you do. I especially liked your scriptures that you tied in.

  2. I love how you introduced(?) yourself with wide perspectives, yet managed to remember the most important part, remembering that you're a daughter of God. Also, I totally agree with your temptation because that happened to me this morning too!
