Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Visit to colleges!

  I had a magnificent experience on Tuesday in BYU because I had Math and Book of Mormon lessons with my shadow. She is a freshman and is planning to take Chemistry as her major. Actually I was expecting to shadow with an Art student or biology student as I am interested in taking Art or zoology as major in college. However, I still had a great time with her. I remember when I first went into the Math classroom, I was stunned by the size of the it and the amount of people. It was smaller than the classrooms at school and more than 30 people packed there.  Some of the buff guys couldn’t even fit into their seats ,so their legs were all over the aisles, which was pretty hilarious. I barely had any idea what the teacher was talking, but still I learned something new.  I was fascinated by the art museum in BYU Provo. I love visiting art galleries all over the places.  I admire the freedom that college students have, my shadow told me that once I got into college, you would feel as light as a feather because you were going to have an independent and unique experience with your classmates and roommates.

  Although I didn’t have a chance to shadow with students in UVU and U of U, I liked wandering the campus, especially U of U because its facilities are so advanced and creative. For example the library, we can write on the glass and the wall besides a white board, we can also grab something to eat while reading or studying in the self studied room. I had been to the campus with my brother a couple of times before as he used to study there. I lost my heart in U of U!

1 comment:

  1. The art museum at BYU is one thing that I love about BYU other than the creamery and the bookstore. I can't wait to have the freedom of a collage student!
