Thursday, February 28, 2013

Self Portrait Poem

I am well-known.

Everyone wishes to have me especially car lovers.

Mercedes is my fabulous name!

Sometimes I am as moody as a storm,

But at the next second I am as cheerful as a sun

I am reserved and quiet whenever I have no idea about the lessons,

And my mind starts soaring in the cloud.

(You have to sing it in the tune of “99 seconds of Harry Potter”)

There once was a boy named Harry

Destined to be my “bro”

He’s now serving in Australia

And will be back really soon

Love of not waking up at 6:45 every morning

And sleep until the smell of breakfast sneaks into my room

And forget all about school and my troubles

Love of the melting Lindt chocolate in my mouth in every second of my life

And enjoy the sweetness and delight in my heart

Love of doing crafts in my own art room from day to night and night to day

Until my hands are covered with glue, my legs are numb, and my but hurts


Who feels energetic when I hear my parents’ voice in my tiring homework time,

Feels tired and reluctant when I hear my alarm rings and wish to ignore it,

And feels elated when I smell the nature and wish to live there.

Who needs 48 hours of sleep every day after a long tiring school week,

Needs a dark chocolate to sustain my brain when my battery is not enough for me to complete me work,

And needs a pool in my bedroom so as to jump into it whenever I want to.


Who gives jokes when others think that life is boring and stressful

Who gives shoulders when friends are down and need to lean on someone.

Who gives troubles to everyone I meet.

Who fears Cockroaches walking tiptoe on my bed and kiss my cheek! (yick!),

the frantic atmosphere of exam, which feels like we are in a pressure cooker,

and a battlefield with noise of guns and tanks at my house.

Who would like to be Charlie in order to get a golden ticket and to visit the chocolate factories all over the world,

To see my room being cleaned as spin and span by the magic broom sticks from the mickey apprentice sorcerer,

And to see the sun rises slowly from the utter darkness at the top of the Provo canyon.

Who once lived in a beehive where everyone was “bee-sy” seeking honey, but now lives in a spread out plain surrounded by giant mountains covered with snow.


None has ever pronounced it right,

It is a unique and peculiar last name that pronounces as “ing”!

10 things I know to be true


All is well

Life is a test

The earth is round

I have purpose on earth

Chocolate makes us happy

Laughter is the best medicine

The dawn comes after the night

Friends are God’s way of taking care of us

Pursue excellence, and success will follow

I am SUPER because I was born to be SUPER



10 objects I can’t live without




Chocolate Cookies

Doughnut Dessert Dime

Ears Eyes Elevator Elbows Eggs

Face Fingers Feet Feelings Fudge Fun


10 things I should have learned now


Sleep well

Think Twice

Time management

Don’t think in a circle

 Speak and act appropriately

  Eat healthy, no junks

Make ice cream

             Be grateful






10 of my greatest fears


Rats * Cockroaches* Haunted house* Test and exam

Home alone* Being bullied* Breaking my bone

Failure* Nightmares* Arguments


10 things, places, people, that make me the most happy


                                              My family

                                 My friends*Heavenly father

               chocolate from all countries, Cheesecake Factory

     Go to Germany* Serve a mission in Russia* Read all the scriptures

    Spend every minute doing crafts* Watch Celine Dion concert in Las Vegas


10 places I will visit before I die


The sacred grove

German chocolate factories

Japan Tokyo and Okinawa

North Pole



Salt Lake Temple

Hong Kong Temple

My Home

My bedroom


Monday, February 25, 2013

Huck Finn Test

-character matching

List of characters:

Huck, Jim, Tom, Pap, widow Douglas,the king and the duke, Miss watson, Mrs. Loftus, Silas and Sally Phelps, Boggs, the Wilks sisters, Grangerfords, Shepherdson, Dr. Robinson, Judge Thatcher

-multiple choice


-AP multiple choice

-AP style Essay

-theme: religion, education "sivilized"

-satire: racism, slavery

-application to modern days

Friday, February 22, 2013

How to make a Good Luck Knot

I received a parcel from my mom this week. There were Chinese accessories and some Chinese New Year Fai Chun ( paper decorations with good wishes that you can hang in your home). Look at this cute Forever Friends Fai Chun! It means "Have progress in studies!"

She also sent me Chinese decorative knots which fascinated and motivated me to discover how to make them.
In Chinese, "knot" means reunion, friendship, warmth, love, etc. Chinese knots are often used to express good wishes such as happiness, prosperity, and love.
I searched in the internet and found that there were tons of different kinds of knots such as double coin knots, flat knots, cross knots, and button knots! I was interested by these knots and started making one. I made a good luck knot which wasn’t hard to make! This Good Luck Knot is believed to bring extra good fortune to the lucky wearer, as well as to the giver of the knot.

“Work, but DON’T forget to LIVE”  
This is the Yogi tea tag saying I got this morning.

Material: Nylon cords

Step 1: Cut nylon cord. Keep cord in the place as shown.

Step 2: Fold up the bottom tail so that it overlaps the right loop.

Step 3: Then fold the right loop over the top loop. 
Step 4: Fold the top loop over the left loop.
Step 5:  fold the left loop over the bottom tail, but string it through the loop made in step 2
Step 6: carefully pull all the loops and ends out to tighten knot.

Step7:  Repeat the fold-over steps from earlier all over again, with the bottom tail and right-top-left loops. Tighten the knot by pulling all the loops again.

                                   Here you go! A Chinese good luck knot!

                         Hope you enjoy your time making this cute little knot!

If you want to express love to your friends and family, you can make Chinese knots and give them to your loved ones! You can also hang it in your room or backpack as decoration like mine!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How to fold a Heart Note

Hey everyone! Valentine’s Day has just passed, I am sure you received a lot of chocolate and notes!
I love folding papers. The day before Valentine’s Day, I made mini boxes, put chocolate in them, and gave them out to my friends!

In Seminary, we were asked to find scriptures about love in the topical guide and write a note to someone whom you want to express you gratitude or love to. I wrote it and I didn’t want to just fold it into half and put it in someone’s locker. I wanted to make it cute and special.
Later on, I figured out how to fold the note into a heart! It is super easy to make and doesn’t require a square paper, a normal rectangular note will do.
Step 1
Fold the right corner down to make a triangle shapeà do the same with the left corner
Step 2
Make a water bomb base
Step 3
Make a diamond by folding the right point up the topà do the same with the left point.
Step 4
Take the right edge of the paper and fold it horizontally to the center à Repeat with the left edge

Step 5
Fold the bottom up to meet the lower point of the diamond

Step 6
Flip over and fold the top point of the diamond down, folding the diamond in half

Step 7
Take the bottom left corner and fold it to the middle, lining it up with the lower point of the diamond à Repeat with the right side

Step 8
Next fold the right point of the diamond diagonally downà Do the same with the left point
Step 9
Tuck the points into the flap made in step 8

Step 10
Turn it over and have you heart note!

 You can fold your note not only in Valentine’s Day, but also on Mother’s day or Father’s day! Just make whatever you want!  Please leave a comment on my blog whether you succeed or fail to fold the note , or whether you like my blog or not! Hope you enjoy the time folding this Heart note!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Awesome Blogs

Want to be a sister missionary? Here are tips for your preparation!

This blog is about the preparation of being a missionary. This particular website is about the clothing of sister missionaries and recipes for quick and healthy meals.

Most of the advices from the returned sisters are to wear comfortable, fashionable, and classy clothes. Modest clothes do not mean clumsy and old- fashioned, these clothes will only turn off people who may want to learn about the gospel.
Encouraging brighter colors, patterns and even accessories, the Church hopes to make sister missionaries’ appearance more inviting to investigators.

They also advise us to do simple make up in order to look clean and nice. I have zero idea of how to do make up, so for my future sake, I had better learn it now!

If you need brilliant DIY ideas, this website is perfect for you.
This website is about DIY crafts making. I personally love doing DIY crafts, and I am really interested in it. If anyone of you likes making crafts, you must check it out because it has so many brilliant ideas and fascinating artworks.


Last year when I was searching for ideas for DIY birthday gift for my mom, I found this great website and used this creative idea. I made this“52 reasons I love you “mini book for mom, and she was so elated when she got my little gift. This website gives you tutorial guides in making crafts, you just need to click into the ideas that you like!

If you love treats, you MUST check it out!

This website provides a lot of recipes for treats. Last Saturday morning, I suddenly wanted to make treats for myself, I typed treats on Pinterest and found this amazing website. It had tons of easy and healthy recipes. I saw a picture of nuts granola bars, I clicked in and realized that it was extremely easy to make. It turned out really good and delicious, and I liked it.

I also like the almond butter cookies recipes so much! It is really easy to make. I like treats so much I could eat tons if chocolate and cookies within a day. But later on I realized that it was not healthy to my body at all, so I decided to eat healthier.

I always crave for treats, especially chocolate. In order to satisfy my craving, I will search some recipes in this website.