Thursday, February 14, 2013

How to fold a Heart Note

Hey everyone! Valentine’s Day has just passed, I am sure you received a lot of chocolate and notes!
I love folding papers. The day before Valentine’s Day, I made mini boxes, put chocolate in them, and gave them out to my friends!

In Seminary, we were asked to find scriptures about love in the topical guide and write a note to someone whom you want to express you gratitude or love to. I wrote it and I didn’t want to just fold it into half and put it in someone’s locker. I wanted to make it cute and special.
Later on, I figured out how to fold the note into a heart! It is super easy to make and doesn’t require a square paper, a normal rectangular note will do.
Step 1
Fold the right corner down to make a triangle shapeà do the same with the left corner
Step 2
Make a water bomb base
Step 3
Make a diamond by folding the right point up the topà do the same with the left point.
Step 4
Take the right edge of the paper and fold it horizontally to the center à Repeat with the left edge

Step 5
Fold the bottom up to meet the lower point of the diamond

Step 6
Flip over and fold the top point of the diamond down, folding the diamond in half

Step 7
Take the bottom left corner and fold it to the middle, lining it up with the lower point of the diamond à Repeat with the right side

Step 8
Next fold the right point of the diamond diagonally downà Do the same with the left point
Step 9
Tuck the points into the flap made in step 8

Step 10
Turn it over and have you heart note!

 You can fold your note not only in Valentine’s Day, but also on Mother’s day or Father’s day! Just make whatever you want!  Please leave a comment on my blog whether you succeed or fail to fold the note , or whether you like my blog or not! Hope you enjoy the time folding this Heart note!


  1. Great Job. Your instructions are very clear and easy to follow and the numerous pictures make it much easier to understand. I liked how you had good word spacing and had pictures at regular intervals.

  2. Nice job! The instructions were very easy to follow with spaces between each step. I actually made a heart using your instructions!

  3. Pictures and explanations were very clear. My daughter actually tried to fold a heart and was successful. Good job.

  4. I've been looking all over for this specific heart fold. Someone in my class wrote me a birthday note in this fold but I couldn't fold it back just right. Thank You. Your Instructions made the lines discernable and now I know where to come if I ever forget. :)

    Cute Blog Background too! I love the green with the Red Words bringing out the little flowers. And the font is playfully perfect. :)
