Thursday, February 7, 2013

Awesome Blogs

Want to be a sister missionary? Here are tips for your preparation!

This blog is about the preparation of being a missionary. This particular website is about the clothing of sister missionaries and recipes for quick and healthy meals.

Most of the advices from the returned sisters are to wear comfortable, fashionable, and classy clothes. Modest clothes do not mean clumsy and old- fashioned, these clothes will only turn off people who may want to learn about the gospel.
Encouraging brighter colors, patterns and even accessories, the Church hopes to make sister missionaries’ appearance more inviting to investigators.

They also advise us to do simple make up in order to look clean and nice. I have zero idea of how to do make up, so for my future sake, I had better learn it now!

If you need brilliant DIY ideas, this website is perfect for you.
This website is about DIY crafts making. I personally love doing DIY crafts, and I am really interested in it. If anyone of you likes making crafts, you must check it out because it has so many brilliant ideas and fascinating artworks.


Last year when I was searching for ideas for DIY birthday gift for my mom, I found this great website and used this creative idea. I made this“52 reasons I love you “mini book for mom, and she was so elated when she got my little gift. This website gives you tutorial guides in making crafts, you just need to click into the ideas that you like!

If you love treats, you MUST check it out!

This website provides a lot of recipes for treats. Last Saturday morning, I suddenly wanted to make treats for myself, I typed treats on Pinterest and found this amazing website. It had tons of easy and healthy recipes. I saw a picture of nuts granola bars, I clicked in and realized that it was extremely easy to make. It turned out really good and delicious, and I liked it.

I also like the almond butter cookies recipes so much! It is really easy to make. I like treats so much I could eat tons if chocolate and cookies within a day. But later on I realized that it was not healthy to my body at all, so I decided to eat healthier.

I always crave for treats, especially chocolate. In order to satisfy my craving, I will search some recipes in this website.


  1. AAAHHH! this is so good! we are the same exact person! clothing, crafts, and making food... and eating. that paper craft website is super cool! if I had my way, I would be crafting and baking all day long!

  2. Beautiful layout and descriptions. Visually interesting and great content make this review easy to read and informative. Good job.

  3. You did a great job! I love these blogs especially the one that talking about DIY brcause i love DIY,im glad that you can find such great blogs!

  4. Oh my gosh! I love your blog so much! I really love your pictures that you post with your blogs. Your voice is very present and I love your word choices. keep it up girlie!

  5. Mercedes you did such a good job on your reviews!! And good blog finds. (: I really like the sister missionary one, and it's interesting how the way missionaries dress affects who could possibly be interested in the church. Good job.(:
