Thursday, February 28, 2013

10 things I know to be true


All is well

Life is a test

The earth is round

I have purpose on earth

Chocolate makes us happy

Laughter is the best medicine

The dawn comes after the night

Friends are God’s way of taking care of us

Pursue excellence, and success will follow

I am SUPER because I was born to be SUPER



10 objects I can’t live without




Chocolate Cookies

Doughnut Dessert Dime

Ears Eyes Elevator Elbows Eggs

Face Fingers Feet Feelings Fudge Fun


10 things I should have learned now


Sleep well

Think Twice

Time management

Don’t think in a circle

 Speak and act appropriately

  Eat healthy, no junks

Make ice cream

             Be grateful






10 of my greatest fears


Rats * Cockroaches* Haunted house* Test and exam

Home alone* Being bullied* Breaking my bone

Failure* Nightmares* Arguments


10 things, places, people, that make me the most happy


                                              My family

                                 My friends*Heavenly father

               chocolate from all countries, Cheesecake Factory

     Go to Germany* Serve a mission in Russia* Read all the scriptures

    Spend every minute doing crafts* Watch Celine Dion concert in Las Vegas


10 places I will visit before I die


The sacred grove

German chocolate factories

Japan Tokyo and Okinawa

North Pole



Salt Lake Temple

Hong Kong Temple

My Home

My bedroom


1 comment:

  1. You're amazing Mercedes! This is truly clever, and looks fun as you scroll through it not to mention it makes me giggle at times. :) It has your heart and soul in it! :D You are very very good at putting your voice into your writing and having fun with it.
