Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Perfect Day

When my alarm starts ringing, I would turn it off and go on sleeping. That’s how I would start my perfect day. After getting enough rest, I will take a nice shower and go hiking around the American Fork Canyon. I love walking and hiking especially in the morning as it is so refreshing to enjoy the beauty of nature and everything around us! Then I will go home and make myself a bowl of simple but perfect breakfast. I would make scrambled egg, a French toast with banana and syrup, and a glass of hot chocolate milk. I would sit beside the window and read my favorite book “Shopaholic and sister” while having my gorgeous breakfast.

Being with my friends is the most hilarious time of my life, we would probably spend my whole afternoon ice skating, and hanging out in City creek. We would share all our secrets, sorrow and happiness while we were having Oreo dream extreme cheesecake at Cheesecake factory and banana ice cream with graham cracker at Sub-zero. We would talk about our dreams and our goals for our careers and families. Besides, we would plan for trips to Germany and Russia where we had never been before. I would spend my entire evening with my family in a really nice and subtle Japanese restaurant. We would have buffet with a large variety of seafood, sushi and curry! Japanese curry is the most magnificent food that I would die for. We would chat and joke around especially my dad, he is really humorous and I love his jokes.

After having an unforgettable dinner, I would go home and take a bath. I would listen to songs that were sung by Celine Dion and Sarah Brightman while I was taking a bath as they were the best singers in this world. Eventually, I would go back to my nice warm bed and recharge my batteries after this long marvelous perfect day.  I woould pray and thank my Heavenly Father for giving me such a wonderful day and everything that He has given me.


  1. That cheesecake looks soooooo yummy!!!!!!

  2. Your Perfect day really does sound perfect. Sleeping in is definitely the ideal start to any great day. I love your descriptive adjectives! They really make the reader picture everything in their head and experience it with you. Walking is my favorite. When you go hiking up the American Fork canyon I totally want to go with you. I have never tried Japanese Curry, but we should have it together sometime. The picture you put of the magnificently delicious oreo cheesecake is mouth watering. You are an amazing writer! I loved reading your post! :)
