Thursday, January 17, 2013

Seize every chance to share!

I believe most of you have Facebook or Twitter. Not only we can post our status and photos and “like” others’ photos, we can also share the gospel through these social networks. More and more teenagers are really good at using all kinds of electronic devices or software, young men and women can use these tools to share the gospel to their friends who are non-church members.

Sometimes even if we post a picture saying “I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints” or “I am a Mormon. I live it. I know it. I love it”, our friends around us may want to know more about the church when they see this picture. It will be a great opportunity to let the others know about the gospel.


  1. I love your comic about homework distractions. It's absolute truth. I totally agree; One of the best ways to share the gospel is by just setting an example and being kind to others. I love how your not scared to share what you believe!
