Thursday, January 17, 2013

Look before you leap!

“Now some of these tools—like any tool in an unpracticed or undisciplined hand—can be dangerous…Computer applications like iTunes can be used to download uplifting and stirring music or the worst kind of antisocial lyrics full of profanity”

I am sure most of us have their favorite singers and we always listen to their songs. Sometimes their songs may convey a good message, but some of them may have a swear word in the middle of the song. We often rationalize the words and think it is ok to listen to those songs. There’s no difference from listening songs with profanity and letting Satan in. Be sure that all the media influences in your life are uplifting, never lower our standards and let Satan invade our pure minds and heart.

“Satan is always quick to exploit the negative power of new inventions, to spoil and degrade, and to neutralize any effect for good. Make sure that the choices you make in the use of new media are choices that expand your mind, increase your opportunities, and feed your soul”

As we follow the standards from the strength of youth, we can make right choices and avoid being trapped in Satan’s hands. Satan is very clever yet cunning, he uses new inventions to confuse and rationalize us, he will conceal meanings and try to convince us to open the door in our heart an inch at a time, and contaminate our purest minds from grey to black. Use those new inventions wisely, think twice before we take action, and think of the consequences of our choices. Stay on the narrow path to eternity.


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